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Reduce your stress with mindfulness

Free Selfcare Webinar

For Support Staff at Family Doctor

Since COVID hit the international stage in February-March 2020, there has been lots of change. This has brought new pressures to do with life and work. At times like these,

having core skills in “emotional self soothing” is essential in supporting your wellbeing across the long-term. In this 1-hr webinar, Clinical Psychologist, Cameron Aggs will introduce you briefly to the 4-Skills of mindfulness, and will leave you with a ‘stress-reduction sequence for dealing with everyday emotional pressures.


At the end of the 1hour workshop, it is hoped that all participants will;

Have a highly effective in-the-moment technique to better manage stress*

Have “4 breaths” schedule for daily practice*

Begin applying elements of the 6-step sequence for long term wellbeing

Feel more confident in apply self-care strategies*

When it comes to real-time stress management, the benefits of hacking the breath, cannot be overstated. The power of the breath is that it is something that you take with you everywhere you go, and can harnessed in every situation you are in, to radically alter the body’s fight and flight response.

There is no escaping the occurrence of anxiety producing circumstances in our lives. Allowing and acknowledging the range of your emotions – including anxiety, anger and disappointment can actually reduce the disorienting impacts of your difficult emotions.

Your thoughts take place as a kind of inner-conversation. The quality of your inner conversation massively impacts your resilience across your career. Supportive self-talk is the key to staying well even in the midst of set-backs and stressful situations.

Your thoughts take place as a kind of inner-conversation. The quality of your inner conversation massively impacts your resilience across your career. Supportive self-talk is the key to staying well even in the midst of set-backs and stressful situations.

Your facilitator
Cameron Aggs

Cameron is a Clinical Psychologist practicing out of Eclipse Medical Centre in Maroochydore, Queensland. Cameron's primary interests include the applications of mindfulness for supporting psychological health and interpersonal functioning. Cameron is a published author with 'Counselling and Psychotherapy Research' (U.K). He is previously a lecturer at the University of the Sunshine Coast and has facilitated more than 250 mindfulness workshops in Australia and in the U.K. His passion is for breaking down mindfulness theory and practice and delivering them to participants in ways that are memorable, intuitive and easy to apply.

Cameron’s programs are evidence-based!

Read about the results of previous programs

Upcoming WEBINAR dates

webinar Details

Times: 12:30-1:30pm
Date: Wednesday 9th June
To Join: Click on the button below

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